Welcome to idtech.space

A unofficial space for people from the id Tech community! Topics that interest the local users:

However. users here can (and will) talk about whatever else you want, really.

This server is federated! So you don't need to make an account here, since we're not restricted to communicating with users inside this instance. As this is a server supporting the ActivityPub protocol, you can follow and message users on this instance from other ActivityPub based services - such as Mastodon, Pixelfed and PeerTube!

We also offer a code hosting service over at code.idtech.space which hosts mirrors of complete source code and SDK releases of games utilizing id technology.

Find id Tech games on Steam!


  1. Be civil.

  2. Don't spam.

  3. Tag sensitive media as #nsfw.

  4. Intolerance is not tolerated.


If you want to register an account, please give a valid reason in English. You may be rejected for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to attempting to claim the identity of someone else. If you are a person in the community or a person of note, it would help to provide that information as that will make approval more likely. You are not entitled an account as this is a private system. You will usually get approved within 24 hours so check back then.

Development Resources

id Tech 4 ModWiki

Splash Damage Mod Wiki (ETQW and Wolf: ET)

Quake Wiki

InsideQC Forums

Quake Developer's Pages on gamers.org

Q3Map2 on Wikibooks

The Whole Half-Life Wiki

Doom Eternal Modding Wiki


This instance was established on the 7th of November 2022.


In case it wasn't clear, this website is not endorsed or owned by any particular company.


We have a wide variety of themes available created for the site.


We have maintenance scheduled daily at around 4 PM Pacific. It generally takes about a minute to complete.
